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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[ItsGoal FC] Cohiba Habanos "No one player is greater than the whole"

After Centro Desportivo’s article about Sir Chamberlain leaving Itsagoal FC to join Blackout FC™ our reporter was invited to visit Itsagoal FC compounds and talk with the management as they felt that the article was a bit misleading.
Our reporter grabbed his trustworthy pen…. I mean typing machine…. I mean Laptop and ran to Itsagoal FC to hear their version of the transfer.
Since the invitation came from MemphisWill we went to talk with the assistant manager Cohiba Habanos.

Hi and thanks to invite us to talk about Chamberlain transfer. So lets us know IAG version of the facts.
 Well, first of all we're very grateful for Chamberlain's seasons of service to the club.  He was a large part of getting the club to this point and we're very appreciative of his contributions.  That said our aim was never to simply settle in as a stable 1A club, and we maintain high aspirations.
After reviewing the previous season the management team agreed that if we were to take the next step on this journey and work towards a top-half finish we needed to get much more solid in defense.  We simply had to have center back options who could fight with the best fighters in the league and tacklers who could tackle the best dribblers in the league.
Luckily the purchasable adjustments came along just in time to help us improve some of our weaknesses.  We approached Chamberlain a few times to discuss his role with the club and to bring to his attention the weaknesses we wanted to remedy.  After these attempts to persuade him into becoming the player the team needed failed, including our generous offer to pay for the adjustment, the decision was made to look for other solutions to our problems.
This is the key.  IAG is a true club in every sense of the word.  No one player is greater than the whole, and every player's priority must be what's best for the squad.  The management team puts a massive amount of time into the club, and it was a massive disappointment for Chamberlain to refuse to meet the demands of the club-first ethos.  There were players available and eager to join us that both bought into the club-first ethos and had the skills to strengthen the back line in the way we envisioned.
All of this was explained very politely to Chamberlain when he was given the managers' decision to part ways.  We offered to do anything in our power to help him secure any transfer he desired, even if it meant accepting a bid lower than his minimum release.  At least from the club's view point this was an amicable split in which both parties ended up with what they desired.  We wish Chamberlain well, and look forward to meeting him and his new club in the upcoming season. 

Still after Chamberlain departure your team still has 4 CD's. Are you planning to release anyone else?
Well one of our CDs, Skalamoosh, is going to expire which was part of the impetus for us to restock our CD pool.  We feel like we've got 3 very good CDs now who will excel at the jobs asked of them by the club, and who give us the ability to counter the various forward combinations we'll play against.

So, as we are here let’s talk a little about you and the team. What are the plans for this season for IAG?
 Considering how close 6th-10th was last season, we definitely feel like we've strengthened the club enough to attain our goal of finishing in the top 6 this season.  Obviously other clubs have improved as well, so it'll be a very interesting and competitive season.
 We've got a fair few chem pens to clear, thanks to our busy offseason, but we still think 6th is attainable and will set us up to push on for even better position next season when we've cleared the penalties.  The biggest factor, I think, is the overall improvement in squad intelligence by bringing in some very experienced users and refining our tactical approach.

If IAG get the relegation spot again this season what that means?
To be honest, abject failure.  We're strengthened our squad quite a bit, both through transfers and adjustments.  We feel like we've corrected many of our weaknesses and with a new defensive philosophy we expect to be a much, much more sound squad.

Tell us a little about your life.
Hmm, I'm 27 and have lived the majority of my life in Memphis, TN (hence the name, and all of my players' last names being taken from Memphis landmarks).  I'm a huge fan of Jack Daniels whiskey, Cohiba cigars, and am usually happiest when I'm riding my motorcycle.  Sports, however, are my strongest passion with boxing being the very beat of my heart.

Who you admire on Real Life Football?
More than anyone, Clint Dempsey.  His grit and desire is always evident on the field, and to come from where he has to become such a successful Premier League player is just unbelievable.  He grew up in east Texas, where a very different kind of football, American football, is the unofficial state religion.  His parents drove him hundreds of miles, several times a week, so that he could train with a proper youth club to chase his dream.
 Other than Dempsey, I really enjoy watching Gareth Bale play.  The combination of size, strength, speed, and his skill on the ball is extremely enjoyable to behold.  It seems that every match he has one or two moments of true brilliance that just make you so thankful for the game of football.  Truly amazing...Spurs don't deserve him.

And on FID?
I don't know that there is any one player in FID that I follow with greater interest than the others.  Obviously I'm intently focused on the IAG family and all of our players in various leagues, especially our dual academies for England and Portugal, but I watch a good deal of matches played by other clubs to scout our opponents and to pick up on strategies that might be useful to the IAG family. 
The one club that really stands out in the game to me is Cydonian Knights in England.  What they've accomplished recently is very impressive, especially when one considers that they won their title in one of the most competitive divisions in the entire game while being a weaker team, attribute-wise, than many of their challengers.  The organization that they display on the pitch is truly top notch, and their attacking strategies show real insight and planning.  I think there's a lot that any club in FID could learn from them.
 If I had to choose an individual player I enjoy watching, I'd have to say our goalkeeper Bill Brown is fabulously entertaining to watch.  You never know what's going to happen, but you always know it's going to be good fun and something memorable is going to happen.

Aside from FID what interest you have on the internet?
 Mostly naked women.  Until I discovered IAG and then FID I really didn't know the internet was used for anything else!  Seriously though, and FID really dominate my internet time.  Outside of those two games I spend a lot of time browsing the news sites, but if I'm not on IAG or FID I've usually got my nose stuck in a book somewhere.

If you were a superstar player in real life where would you like to play and why?
 Fiorentina without a doubt.  La Viola are pretty much the only club I have really strong feelings for.  I just love the colors, and living in Florence would be a great bonus.

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