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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[Porto Eclipse] Balthazar Barkinpumpkin "Porto Eclipse won't, so this question is pointless"

Balthazar Barkinpumpkin, French DCM leaves FC Estuera to join Porto Eclipse, this transfer cause a surprise for Estuera’s Manager but the need to look for a different way to play was bigger.

What are the main reasons for you to leave Estura?
As a few people know it, I'm some kind of wages whore and Eclipse promised 1M. Unfortunately, the contract received was quite lower... Seriously, after many seasons at Estuera, I wanted to see if I could play "differently" elsewhere.

Why Porto Eclipse?
This one is easy: how could I resist to play behind THE Tristan Mills?? And Eclipse is quite a challenge...

It was pointed by some managers that Estuera will be the next big thing on this season. What you feel about that?
I really hope so. Estuera is a so nice team, with many players that I highly appreciate there. I really want the best for them.

What immediate differences you found on Eclipse as opposed to Estuera?
Well, Eclipse is a very short roster. Playing with 3 midfielders is something very interesting too.

Tell us about the Manager's style. Phil and Takeshi.
As a manager myself, I'm very respectful for Phil. I know that he'd like to see me staying there but he agreed anyway my leaving. I hope to meet him again someday.
I can’t really speak of Takeshi. We played ages ago at Bucharest Blues, but this was a too short experience. I'm very pleased to meet him again and looks like it's the same on his side ;-)

If Porto Eclipse get the relegation spot again (or does worst) will you stay on the team?
Porto Eclipse won't, so this question is pointless.

Tell us a little about your real life.
Mhh, don't really like personal questions.  Let's say that I'm probably on the top of the pyramid of ages. I'm usually working by night as barman (yes, I have so many friends around^^), that's why all my chars. are playing on sun/wed.

Who you admire in Real life football?
I like amateur football, matches played by 11yo guys... I admire managers who spend all their time for free in little clubs.

And on FID?
Oh, really too many names there.

What other interests you have on the internet aside from FID?
Private. My lawyer strictly forbids me any comments ;-)

If you were a Superstar Footballer, in which real team would you like to play and why?
Easy, the team offering the best wages! I'm a superstar, no?

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