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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[The Crow Team] Po Jarni "we take the leap in quality "

Season 11 shoed some debility’s to some team’s ant it had consequences for others. It was the end of the legendary Sport Funchal e Benfica and the promoted Cravos de Prata. FC Portus Cale saw their manager going inactive and with that the team suffered to get branded the worst team of the season. Porto Eclipse thought that they had the control but soon realized that changes needed to be done. The Crow Team showed that they have improved a lot and… on easy matches they showed that they aren’t mature enough to have a stable game in this immaturity cost the leaving of their CF Po Jarni.

You served 5 seasons The Crow team, why leave them now?
Necesitaba un cambio de equipo con este slot, como bien dices llevo muchas temporadas en el equipo y al equipo le hace falta gol. De todos modos voy a traer otro DC al equipo en breve
I needed a change of team with this slot, as you say I take many seasons on the team and the team lacks goal. Anyway I will bring another DC team soon.

 In all this 5 seasons what you believe is the reason why The Crow Team isn’t in a top position?
Nos falta consistencia, somos capaces de lo mejor y de lo peor, me explico. Hemos ganado a equipos punteros de la liga y luego partidos que teniamos que ganar, lo hemos perdido, por eso creo que si fuesemos mas constantes podriamos tener una mejor clasificacion. Tambien cuenta que la liga es muy fuerte y cuenta sangre sudor y lagrimas ganar un partido
 We lack consistency, we can do the best and the worst, I mean, we have won top teams in the league and then, when we had to win games, we've lost, so I think that if we were more consistent we could have a better classification. Also note that the league is very hard and has blood sweat and tears to win a game.

- Tell us a little about Boba Fett, the Crows manager.
para mi no es un manager, es un amigo. Es dialogante, amable, educado, cualidades indispensables en un lider. creo que ha sabido formar un buen grupo de gente y eso no es facil (aun tengo dos slot en el equipo y quiero jugar, jejeje, es broma)
to me his not a manager, is a friend. It's conversational, friendly, polite, qualities essential in a leader. I think he has Known to form a good group of people and that is not easy ( I still have two slots in this team, and want to play, just kidding!)

 What you think is the future of The Crows team?
queremos dar el salto de calidad que no ayude a pelear la 4º-5º plaza, mas alante a dia de hoy no es posible. Si conseguimos fichar a un SM de garantias, creo que la siguiente temporada puede ser buena para el equipo. Aprovecho ya que me facilitas esta gran oportunidad que si algun SM está buscando equipo, Crow tiene las puertas abiertas para él
we take the leap in quality to help us fight the 4-5th place, but up front as of today is not possible. If we sign a SM guarantees, I think the next season may be good for the team. As I take this opportunity provided by you that if any SM is looking for team, Crow has its doors open to him.

 Las Putas won the Championship, what you think about that?
pues me aelgro muchisimo, yo jugue varias temporadas en las Putas y gané varias ligas con ellos, asi que para mi ha sido una alegria enorme, pues alli dejé muchos amigos. Enhorabuena Puteros, gran temporada
I'm glad, I played several seasons in the "Putas" and won several league with them, so for me it was a great joy, because I left many friends there. Congratulations "puteros", great season!

You scored 16 goals in 9 matches, why you weren’t use more on the team?
y muchos de ellos contra equipos bots!!!! asi que esos no cuentan. Estas ultimas temporadas nos cuesta mucho hacer goles, creo en muchos partidos hemos tenido mucha mala suerte con los tiros o mejor dicho los porteros rivales han tenido mucha suerte en nuestros tiros. Ese es el motivo de la salida de este slot, para ver si en otras ligas es capaz de hacer mas goles pues es lo que se le pide a un DC
and many of them against teams bots!! so that these do not count. These last few seasons we find it hard to score goals, I think in many games we have been very unlucky with shots, or rival goalkeepers have been very lucky in our shots. That is why the output of this slot, to see if other leagues can do more goals because it is what is asked of a DC.

What are your expectations on IRL1A?
conozco la liga, pues ya tengo otro slot alli, es una liga muy competitiva y reñida. Mis espectativas este año, con la penalizacion de la quimica es ayudar en lo máximo posible a mi nuevo equipo, si hace falta, animando desde el banquillo, jejeje. No espero aportar mi granito de arena con goles y meter a The Hurricanes en los puestos nobles de la liga
I know the league, I have another slot there, because it is a very competitive league. My expectations this year, with the penalty of chemistry is to help as much as possible to my new team, if necessary, cheering from the bench!. I do not expect to do my bit with goals and put The Hurricanes in  noble positions in the league.

What will you miss on POR1A?
no pierde nada la liga portuguesa con respecto a mi, pues alli tengo otros dos buenos slot y en breve llegará un tercero.
Creo que la temporda que viene va a ser apasionante, muchas suerte a todos y a ti gracias por la entrevista.
un saludo

Portuguese League loses nothing, because there I have two good slot and will reach a third one soon.
I think the next season will be exciting, a lot of luck to all and thank you for the interview.

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