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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[SeteMares] François Zoko "Ptara is a top quality goal scorer"

After disappointing season 11, Setemares is moving towards strengthen up the team so they can fight for a top position.
Everybody on the league knows that Setemares stands for a quality team and therefore lots of fans felt disappointed with last season performance. There are already rumors that the top CF of the team is leaving and another CF on the team is joining him as both were seen in Scotland looking for a future.
Setemares is already reinforcing the position as they just sign in François Zoko.
François Zoko is a 26 years old CF controlled by CUFC_Mike and on the forums there are already talks about the fearsful power of the Striker.

Tell us what made you leave Scotland and Join SeteMares?
I felt that my time had come in Scotland and I needed a new challenge. I wasn't achieving what I felt I could be achieving personally, and what Stirling City could be achieving as a team and decided that now was the right time to say goodbye. SeteMares are a great team, and it's an honor for me to play for them. I know a few of the guys, so it was an easy decision for me to make. I'm already looking forward to playing alongside some of the greatest players in the game, and hopefully I can repay the faith the management team have shown in me, with plenty of goals.

-With you coming in as CF we heard that Kim Käppler and The Great Stumpy are leaving. Only 2 CF's on the team will be enough?
I don't really know what the situation is in terms of the squad. I'm focusing hard on training, and I'll be a reliably central forward for the club. You'll have to ask the management team about their plans for the squad, and squad depth. If there are only 2 CF's in the squad at the start of season 12 then I'll be ok with that. I'm fit enough to be able to play 90 minutes per game.

-What are you expecting from SeteMares?
SeteMares have the quality to challenge at the top, and although we may have some chemistry penalty to wear off throughout the season, there's no reason why we can't aim for a top 3 position. I want to be playing UFCL football regularly with SeteMares. Anything less will be a disappointment. I'm sure if you ask anybody else at the club, they will share the same expectations. 

You (Mike) leaved FC Portus Cale join now SeteMares, what are the main reasons?
For me, I felt that the two teams I was leaving (FC Portus Cale and Stirling City) were on the decline, and SeteMares were looking to strengthen the squad and push for the title. Having played in Portugal 1A for a few seasons now, I know what sort of quality to expect and I'm looking forward to put my skills to the test. I hear there's a guy going round calling himself "Herbert the Great"...I'm going to pummel this guy to the turf!

 What you not hope to find on SeteMares in comparison on Portus?
The main thing that I hope we can avoid at SeteMares is inactivity. FC Portus Cale suffered from that a bit towards the end of Season 11. The players there were excellent, and it was sad to leave, but I and the rest of the squad at Portus Cale deserved better from the manager.

Jay Culls is the guilty for Portus to be falling apart?
In some sense I would agree with that. Whilst he did make us aware of his change in situation, there were no signs of any progress being made in finding a replacement manager. As such, replacement players were not found when required. It wouldn't surprise me if Cale fold completely soon.

As a CF is it safe to say that you will beat Ptara on the race of Best Goal Scorer?
I doubt that to be honest. Ptara is a top quality goal scorer, so it's never "safe" to make such a statement. I'm not an out and out goal scorer; I'm a tower who is renowned for scoring crucial goals at crucial times. I'll get my fair share of goals, don't get me wrong, but I'm a box player. I've scored 259 career goals, and I'll be looking to get up to 300 within the next 2 seasons.

Who you think will be the Champion this season?
That's a tough one to call. Las Putas and Mechanical Orange will obviously be up there again this season, but I expect us, Garitinho and Estuera to be breathing heavily down their necks. It's safe to say that nobody will have an easy path to the title this season. I imagine it will go down to the wire, and as a player, there's nothing more exciting than being a part of that.

-Tell us a little about your life.
I'm a 25 year old IT technician from a small city in Northern England called Carlisle. I'm married and have been for 2 years, and going through the stressful process of moving house.  I'm an avid Carlisle United fan. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the internet as a result of my job, and my interests, not only with FID but other games. 

Who you admire in real Football?
I have a lot of admiration for a number of players. It's hard not to have admiration for a player like Lionel Messi. I grew up enjoying football from the likes of Paul Gascoigne, but Lionel Messi is something even more special. As a part-time supporter of Arsenal FC as well, I have lot of respect for Robin van Persie. He's an extremely talented and influential player and has done very well for the club.

-And on FID?
This one is easy for me. Having had the pleasure to play first hand alongside him for a number of seasons now, it's easily Henry Alexander. His ability, knowledge of the match engine and decision making is formidable.

What are your interests in the internet besides FID?
I've played various games online for many years. I used to love CMOnline, until it closed down. I've also been a member/moderator in games such as Hattrick and Footstar but both went in directions that lost my respect and interest in the game. Nowadays I play Trophy Manager (Football Management), GPRO (Formula One) and ConquerClub (Strategy & Risk). I also enjoy a bit of natural beauty....oh what do you mean this part of the interview will be censored?

1 comentários:

  1. I'm sorry but this striker has mistaken Herbert the Great for Herbert the Old :D

