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Monday, December 26, 2011

[Porto Eclipse] Tristan Mills "with promises of candy and cuddles"

Nobody cares if it is Christmas time in Porto Eclipse, as the manager keeps working hardto get his team ready for the start of the season on Wednesday.
Now he announces a new CM, Tristan Mills.
Helloeverybody. New day, new signing for Porto. I'm please to announce you that lastnight Tristan Mills signed deal with Porto Eclipse. He came from Tricky Trees,England and we paid 35.000.000 for him. He took number 37 and will be playingwith Kim Kallstrom in central midfield. His wage is pretty high, 1.100.000€,but for that good midfielder it's not too much. Welcome to Tristan and all bestin Porto.

After the traditional presentation by themanager we had the chance to talk with the player itself:
Centro Desportivo - Youalready played on POR1A in the past, representing FC Estuera, can you tell usthat experience?
Tristan Mills - Basically I joined Estuera as Ifancied a new challenge and knew a lot of the players from my days in Belgium1A - but in the end the times just weren't good enough for me as I have to workquite early!

CD - Hope and Gloryand Tricky Trees, another top teams that you represented. Which you fanciedmost and why?
TM- I loved my 4 seasons with Hope andGlory because of great players like Jack Colohan, Thijs van der Hall and themanager Brad Porter - fortunately when the team broke down I was able to stealthem to Belgium 1A with me! Winning the 2A title twice with them were veryspecial seasons for me, and only Team Ten rank above them, so although I didenjoy my time with Tricky Trees - especially due to the manager and his hardwork - but Hope and Glory will always be #1 out of those two.

CD -What do you knowabout Porto Eclipse?
TM -All I know is that again, myfriends from Belgium have lured me here with promises of candy and cuddles. Ilove playing alongside Rev Sigma and this is now team #3 where we are together<3

CD -They got someinteresting signs for this season, what you expect from the team?
TM - A slow start, due to chemistry, butif we keep the team together we have some really dangerous signings coming in.Looking at past seasons it's really hard to score in Portugal, I remember a lotof 0-0 draws at Estuera, so the Wing Forwards we have will need to break teamsdown for us.

CD - Porto is knownfor its Defenders, do you believe that the Midfield will also be to fear of nowthat you are here?
TM - I'm more just about getting free toreceive a pass, and then making sure someone who can hurt the other team getsit in a good position. I won't score many goals, but my aim is to finish topleague Important Passer.

CD - What can you tellus about POR1A?
TM - Just that all defense seem to beincredible. That's the kind of league I want to play in as an attacking player.

CD - Who would youlike to represent here in FID?
TM - I couldn't be more happy with myTeam Ten roots in Belgium 1A, I genuinely love everyone at that team and wealso have been together long enough to have our Team Chemistry at 100 which is something I've not seen anywhereelse in the game. I try not to move my characters if I can help it, only in themost extreme of cases do I move them so I'm happy where I am.

CD - Tell us a littleabout your life outside FID.
TM - Well, my real name is James Frostand I teach kids how to rope climb and abseil. Love my job, wouldn't change itfor the world. I also play as a goalkeeper for my local team, Croxton Kerrialin the Lincolnshire area in England. Currently single, ladies, and I enjoy allsports, and my real life hero was Christopher Hitchens.

CD - Who do you admireon real football?
TM - Wow, quite a lot really. The older generationof Zico, Zidane, Garrincha to name a few. I could watch videos of those playersall day long. And fat Ronaldo. He has so much skill he had to store some of itin his double chin. Modern day times though, Mario Balotelli because I thinkhe's a brilliant character, something the game needs, and Ibrahimovic. Bothsimilar players who play with a swagger of confidence, and I love seeing that.

CD - And on FID?
TM - Any manager in the game saneenough to keep a team going. They're the ones that keep this game going throughthe angry players leaving, bad results and salary whores. They don't always getthe appreciation they deserve.

CD - Tell us a funnystory that happened to you on FID.
TM - Haha, anything funny that hashappened to me tends to happen in the TeamSpeak of Team Ten. In matches though,we've conceded a goal against Roekoe in the 87th minute to go 1-0 down, so ourstriker Janis Keiss dribbled their entire team and scored from 30 yards to tiethe game with the last turn.

CD - What are thepitfalls on building a career on FID?
TM - Ultimately, time. My Wednesday andSundays nights have been taken up for nearly the last 2 years now and unlessit's a bot team, I find it hard to tell my team I can't be there!

1 comentários:

  1. "so ourstriker Janis Keiss dribbled their entire team and scored from 30 yards to tiethe game with the last turn."

    Still have nightmare's about that goal :(

