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Sunday, December 4, 2011

[SeteMares] Joe Shank "Vicestab il say know more"

Setemares got a new SM for the team, joe shank.
The Sailors boys are aiming the new season to be a beeter one than this season that is about to end.
 joe shank is a user wellknowen in FID and we are sure that he will bring some quality to Setemares and Portuguese league even thou he dosent admit it :P

- Welcome to Portugal. Can you introduce yourself for the readers?
Well on FID I am the unknown english that goes by the name of shanks And in real life well I do not want to bore you to death !!!

- You played most of your career in ENG, from the teams you represented, which One you liked more? And why?
Well that would have to be red army there now called pigeons on tour I started my career there and spent over 5 seasons there and really wanted to win the league with them which I managed to do in season 6.

- What do you know about POR league?
Portugal a great league and 100% active which is great as playing bot teams a few times a season is boring and only makes leagues weak so this makes this league very enjoyable all so the standard of football is high which is why we see the teams from portugal doing well in UFCL and UFEC.

- Do you think that playing here will boost your career?
Without a doubt ever Since I left red army at the end of season 6 I felt a little lost as I enjoyed it they're so much. I spent a few seasons at a few teams but something just never felt right and I spent game after game just going though the motions. since I have joined setemares I have really enjoyed it and it has really put the life back into playing again.

- What do you know about SeteMares?
Well to be fair before I joined I knew very little about them. I knew a few lads there but that was about it however when I was looking for a new home with joey shanks I had a look around the league and looking at setemares they looked, perfect for me to join good players and seemed to be punching above their weight as they was above many teams who had much older players so this told me these guys was good.

- SFB is in the way of getting his 4th title in a row, any comments?
Good luck to them !!! I hope next season we can stop they're great run.

-what will you give to team? and to the League?
Well I like to think I can give them a great attacking outlet and help this great group of lads push for the title next season.
As for the league not to sure maybe many headaches for many side defenders in the league!!! one thing for sure you not be getting the troll in the forums which I seem to be well known for in other parts of the FID world.

- Who is your idol on real Football?
Well being a liverpool fan they're really only one player in world football who can be my idol and that is the one and only jamie carragher there legends and then there carragher.

-And on FID?
Vicestab hahahaha il say know more

- Who would be on your Dream Team?
Well in FID not to sure I would be here all day to answer that question however they're only be one goalkeeper and that be the one and only Warwick Hunt.

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