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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

[FC Portus Cale] Gonçalo Antoninho "Portus Cale is a big team "

After FC Portus Cale draw with Mechanical Orange F.C., Gonçalo Antoninho leaves the team.
Gonçalo Antoninho played for FC Portus Cale since 27 august 2011; he was the Central Defender of the team and has 24 years old.  After playing 14 of 17 matches this season he suddenly leaves the team and moves to POR2A joining Blackout FC™ that is building a team to play next season on POR1A.

Left Portus because last game he did not start and was told he would play 2nd half” Started to say the Northern Irish manager of FC Portus Cale instead he left the match and has now left the club. For being on the bench once” Explained Lawrie Sanchez when he announced the departure of the Portuguese Defender.
After finding out who he would represent from now on, Ptara Gomes supports the Irish manager and tries to ease up the “pain” of  Lawrie Sanchez
Typical Blackout transfer movement! Their heads are all cleaned up. The guilty one is the coach that brainwash all of them and say that project is for them to be the champions, and that they are going to be the best club in FID's history.”

After this we understand how everyone feels about this transfer But what are the reasons of the Defender to leave the clu and join a League 2 team? Let’s hear it from him on what he has to say about this.
What happened was that I’m usually on the 1st 11, i do everything i can do be there on match days, i unscheduled my appointments so i can be free to have time to play but recently i’ve been subbed on minute 45 all the time and on last Sunday i wasn’t the 1st choice against a good team were we could arm wrestle the score with. What bothered me was even the fact of not being the 1st choice but the Manager didn’t even let me know that I was not going to play from the start. I had stuff to do on that day and I unscheduled it just to get to the match and to see that I’m not going to play.”

After giving his side of the story Gonçalo Antoninho explained that it wasn’t a big sacrifice to move to League 2 in order to get back to 1st League
It’s no sacrifice, we are almost in the end of the season and soon we (BlackOut FC) will be back to POR1A. It is a big change as on this league (POR2A) there is no competition to be on 1st place

About his new team, he confesses that he already played before for them and that he already knows the manager
A while ago I played in BlackOuts, i know the manager. He is very active and ambitious. I also know personally Miguel Costa (SD of the team) and we are great friends. It is a club with big ambitions and made big transfers so we can fight for something rewarding next season on 1A

About his (now) previous team, FC Portus Cale he believes that “ Portus Cale is a big team with players that got experience and are mature, certainly me leaving them won’t affect the team. After all if I only played for 45 min it was because I wasn’t an important piece on the team.”

4 comentários:

  1. Nice excuse ;)

    And never stop doing anything in your real life to play in FID man.

  2. Filipe Gomes, deverias apenas falar do que sabes... Quanto a ser uma desculpa respondo-te que o treinador dos Blackout ja tinha vindo falar comigo, muito antes da minha saida do Portus Cale perguntando se queria ir para a equipa dele mas nunca me falou em criar a melhor equipa da história do FID nem coisa parecida.. apenas me disse que estava a criar um equipa só de tugas, o que a mim me agrada muito. A minha resposta foi sempre a mesma e passo a citar "Não saiu. Tenho equipa e não a vou abandonar. Tenho respeito por eles". Mas a medida que o campeonato foi decorrendo venho a reparar que não sou um jogador importante na equipa porque sou sempre substituido por um gajo que tem 1000 e pouco de rating e poucos atributos... Quando falto a um jogo justifico-me e aviso portanto esperava algo mais do treinador...
    Se deixo de fazer alguma coisa na vida real para jogar FID, isso é comigo e apenas comigo, levo este jogo a serio e quando me comprometo numa coisa cumpro, desde que não façam o que fizeram comigo.

  3. Vês mal as coisas então, mas realmente a vida é tua, fazes o que tens a fazer. Já pensaste que és substituído por um jogador, q na verdade tem 1000 e tal de rating, mas que se calhar quer jogar também?! Nos nos MO, temos 3 centrais agora, 3 laterais, e todos vão jogando e ninguem se queixa. Tudo em prol da equipa. E esse respeito por eles que tinhas para onde é que foi?

  4. Tens razão ;) Secalhar era uma conversa deste tipo que o treinador deveria ter com os jogadores... coisa que nunca aconteceu mas enfim...


